Love in Eorzea

In 2013, we heeded Hydaelyn's call, which began a new adventure of a lifetime. Although our journey together started prior to the one in Eorzea, I firmly believe that the trials and tribulations we've endured on our path there have strengthened our love and commitment to one another.

This is our story of love in Eorzea.


You led the way from the beginning, keeping me safe from danger even when the responsibility of healing fell to me.

You showed me not to be afraid of the scary orange circles on the ground, and to face my fears when diving into a new challenge.

You were Hydaelyn's bravest hero.

The start of
Crystal Prism

In 2015, we created something special--something so unique that even today it plays a significant role in our lives. We started a community that has ebbed and flowed, but one constant factor maintains the tranquil yet thrilling place come to know as Crystal Prism .


Love of the game.

Love in the form of acceptance of unique individuals--some of whom felt they had no other place to go.

Love in the sense that CP feels like home.

And of course, love of each other, through the ups and downs of leading and managing a dynamic bunch.

And the story continues

From raids and statics to crafting projects and estate renovations, we've accomplished a great deal during our time adventuring through Eorzea and beyond. Our companionship and teamwork know no limits. We manifest all of our dreams when come together and work toward a common goal.

I cannot think of any better partner to experience this journey of triumphs and accomplishments than you.

Hydaelyn brought us closer together in this strange world, and I am thankful for that every single day.

I shall scribe further recollections of our time together in Eorzea very soon. Until then, pray, let us return to the Waking Sands.

Copyright © 2020 LoveInEorzea. All rights reserved.